Wayne Knutson » Welcome to K's Wonderful World O' Learnin'

Welcome to K's Wonderful World O' Learnin'

Welcome to K's Wonderful World O' Learnin'

I have an undergraduate degree in history from Princeton University and a master's in history from California State University, Long Beach. My particular areas of expertise are economic history and cultural history, which are almost completely incompatible fields of study, indicating either a broad and agile intellect or schizophrenia.

I grew up in a very small town in Montana, where it snowed every day and my walk to school was uphill in both directions. As the major employer in town was a lumber mill and I had grown excessively fond of all my digits, college seemed the wisest option--hence all the education listed above.

I am married and am the proud owner of two basset hounds, named Samson and Roo. These are perfect dogs if all you want them to do is lay around and breathe.