Attendance Policy

Attendance Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.   

CLOSED to students during class time

Use the online verification form to report absences and tardies

Please take a moment to read the Attendance Policies and Procedures in the Student Handbook.

Attendance procedures may be different than last year at Costa or your previous school.

Every day your child is absent, the Manhattan Beach Unified School District (MBUSD) loses $65. The state funds for the daily attendance of students and we are NOT paid when your child is absent from school for any reason. We are currently projected to lose approximately $2.8M due to absences. If your child needs to be out of school, please seriously consider providing MBUSD with a voluntary contribution of $65 for each day your child is absent. You can contribute the $65/day by dropping off a check at the front office.

Late to School?

  • Come to the Attendance Office for a Late Arrival Slip to get into class.
  • Parent verification via note or on-line verification form is needed for arriving. Only a verified medical excuse provided by a doctor will be accepted for excusing a tardy.
Leaving Campus?
  • Always obtain an Off Grounds Permit from the Attendance Office prior to leaving campus.  Off Grounds Permits require a parent signature with 1) Parent-written note or 2) Parent sign-out in person at the Attendance Office window.
  • Note: Phone calls, online form and e-mails are not accepted for issuing Off Grounds Permits. Parents cannot excuse their student after he or she has left campus without an Off Grounds Permit. In this case, students will be considered truant.
Feeling Sick?
  • Students who need to leave campus due to illness must sign out through the Health Office.
  • Doctor’s notes are required after 5 or more consecutive absences due to illness.
Absent from School?
  • Absences can be reported in 2 ways: 1) Parent-written note OR 2) on-line verification form.
  • Note: The Attendance Office cannot accept phone calls reporting a student's absence.
  • Note: Parent verification of an absence must be received within 3 school days after the student returns to school. If feasible, we appreciate families who report an absence in advance.

Marked Absent by Mistake?

Teachers do their absolute best to keep accurate attendance records. However, we encourage students to check attendance regularly by logging onto their Aeries Student Portal. Parents can also check their child's attendance by logging onto their Aeries Parent Portal. This will help catch mis-markings in attendance early.  If a student finds that they were marked in error, reach out to the teacher to correct the error immediately. If the error occurred more than 3 days ago, students will need to give the teacher an Absence Clearance Form.  Pick these up at the Attendance Office and take it to your teacher.

Note: Parents cannot clear absences that were reported in error by the teacher.

Need to Request a Planned Excused Absence?

Students planning to be out for COLLEGE VISITS (11th/12th grade only), religious retreats, or other non-Costa activities which are not considered excused by school/state policy, may REQUEST CONSIDERATION for approval of an excused absence and provide documentation.

Note: Approval MUST be obtained prior to the absence. E-mail the Attendance Office
at least 2 weeks in advance. Please use the subject line:Request for Excused Absence’.

*See attached policies and procedures for a list of absences that are excused by school/state policy.  Absences for any other reason than those listed should not be assumed to be excused. The number of college visits that may be excused in a year are limited.

Excessive Absences:
  • Students with 6 or more [A] - unverified absences for any class in a month will be assigned a Study Zone. Failure to serve Study Zone will result in the doubling of consequences and may eventually result in suspension from school. 
  • Students who accumulate 14 absences due to illness will require a doctor’s note to excuse illness absences for the remainder of the school year.

Please allow up to 5 school days after the date of parent verification for Aeries to reflect the absence clearance.

For information about students who are 18, consequences for truancy, and all other attendance concerns, refer to the attached Attendance Policies and Procedures.

Questions? First read our FAQ’s in the link below!

For other questions email: [email protected]