About MUN

Model United Nations is an academic simulation of the United Nations. Students represent countries and debate issues that face the international community today ranging from climate change to security in the Middle East.
Mira Costa Model United Nations is one of the top programs in the world. For the past 25+ years, Mira Costa has traveled, competed, and won internationally in simulations of the United Nations such as NHSMUN in New York, NAIMUN in Washington DC, and PAMUN in Paris. We also host our own conference at Mira Costa, LAIMUN, in which students become experts on a topic and chair committees where other schools debate.
Students who are a part of Mira Costa Model UN graduate with skills in public speaking, debate, research, and writing. Most importantly, students gain an understanding of the world as it is today.
Students who are a part of Mira Costa Model UN graduate with skills in public speaking, debate, research, and writing. Most importantly, students gain an understanding of the world as it is today.